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Platform to report child abuse launched in Springs

Children who are being bullied at school can also ask for help using the hotline.

Danie van Loggerenberg’s original plan was to supply impoverished children with educational toys and stationery, through his organisation Toys for Africa.
After working with schools and hearing the abuse suffered by children, he decided to also launch a child protection hotline in September 2019.
Last Friday, he launched the 30th branch – the Springs Child Protection Hotline – at the Springs Police Station.
Van Loggerenberg explained that despite the Children’s Act being clear in that it is mandatory for a teacher to report child abuse, they don’t.

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An often-cited reason is that they don’t know how to do so.
With the launch of the hotline, teachers, parents or children who want to report child abuse can do so free of charge.
“We guide them through every single step because they often don’t know what to do. We really want to help people to report abuse,” said van Loggerenberg.
Children who are being bullied at school can also ask for help by using the hotline.
Van Loggerenberg said each branch has a lawyer, counsellor and security for back-up.
Once the organisation has received a call, they then pass the information on to the police and the Department of Social Development, who investigate the claim.

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To report abuse, call 079 092 2331 or send a message to the same number either via SMS or WhatsApp.
Alternatively, send an email to report@childprotectionhotline.co.za
The message may contain a message or just the word help and is available 24/7.
When reporting a case, a caller must provide their name and contact details, but this information is only shared with the police and not the alleged abuser.

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