Shannon van Tonder humiliates veteran fighter

"My plan worked out very well and I was able to win in the first round."

Local MMA fighter Shannon van Tonder faced Trezeguet Kanyinda in a much-anticipated fight at the Extreme Fighting Championship (EFC) on August 14.
Van Tonder won the match via a technical knockout within the first round and boosted himself up the EFC rankings.
Going into the fight, the featherweight fighter knew the encounter would not be an easy one and had to train non-stop for six weeks.

Given Trezeguet Kanyinda’s experience and reputation, Shannon van Tonder immediately showed aggression.

How did you prepare for the fight?
Kanyinda is an extremely talented fighter with a lot of experience and I had to train harder than ever.
I was part of a fight camp where I trained intensely every single day for six weeks.
At the camp, we focused on strength training and conditioning.
I had to prepare myself for every eventuality that could present itself in the ring, which included Brazilian ju-jitsu and many other disciplines of fighting.
I was also put on a special diet to ensure I was as fit as possible going into the fight.
It was a real challenge to go to the sessions every day, especially when you feel like you’re just recovering from the last one.
I only got one day off, and even then they ask you to do light exercises like jogging.

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What did you know about your opponent before the fight?
He is a veteran of the sport with a lot more experience than me.
I knew he was very tough, so my gameplay was to come at him as hard as I could from the get-go.
I was immediately aggressive and put him on the back foot as soon as the fight began.
My plan worked out well and I was able to win in the first round.

Shannon van Tonder’s victory has boosted him into the top 20 fighters in the country.

How do things change once you step into the ring?
On the day of the fight, I am so laser-focused to win that nothing distracts me.
When you are so well prepared, it is virtually impossible for your emotions to overwhelm you.
Once they play your music and you hear people cheering for you, all you can think about is proving yourself and taking your opponent down as fast as possible.
At this fight, all my plans and preparations fell into place and I fought to the best of my abilities.
How has this fight changed your career?
Because Kanyinda is such a big name in the sport, it has catapulted me in the rankings; I am now 12th in the country, which I am very proud of.
It has also boosted my confidence and showed how far I’ve come as a fighter.

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Are there any people who got you to this place that you would like to mention?
I want to give special thanks to Matthew and Wyatt Carlson from Tribal Training who trained me.
Without their help, none of this would have been possible.
I also want to mention Agape Projects and VV training, all of whom were essential in getting me to where I am.

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