Man hijacked at N12 Etwatwa off-ramp

Once the men were all in the car, they ordered the victim to lie on the floor and they tied his hands together using cable ties, and drove off.

A 32-year-old man was tied up and forced onto the floor of his bakkie during a hijacking at the N12 Etwatwa off-ramp last Thursday evening.
The man told police he was driving his silver Toyota Legend 50 D/Cab bakkie, registration number FSY953L and valued at R500 000, when he was pulled over by the occupants of a white VW Polo Classic with blue lights.

Also read: Hijacking in Dersley

Once he had stopped, three men wearing civilian clothing and SAPS-branded masks approached him.
One of the men pointed a pistol at the victim while his accomplices got into the car.
Once the men were all in the car, they ordered the victim to lie on the floor and they tied his hands together using cable ties and drove off.
A short while later, they stopped the car and ordered the victim to get out and lie on the ground with another victim.

Also read: Police stop alleged hijackers in their tracks

The victim is not sure from where the second victim came from. He was only made aware of him when they were ordered to lie on the ground next to each other.
They then demanded the two victims hand over their cellphones and bank cards, before driving off and leaving the pair in a maize field near the Skoonplaas informal settlement in Eastvale.
The victim later made his way to the Etwatwa Police Station before his docket was transferred to Springs.

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