Robbers break window to gain entry to business

The robbers took bags of clothing, a TV, DVD players, steam washer, diesel pump and R1 200 in cash, before fleeing the same way they entered the premises.

A couple was woken up by the sounds of dogs barking in the middle of the night during a business robbery at a plot on Ermelo Road, last Saturday evening.
Springs Police spokesperson Capt Johannes Ramphora said when the husband woke up, he switched on the light and saw a shadow moving.
He pressed the panic button for the security company, just before two robbers, armed with guns, broke the window and ordered him to open the door.

Also read: Business robbery in Dersley

When he opened the door, two more robbers, armed with steel pipes, entered the room the couple were in and started assaulting the husband.
While the husband was being beaten, the owner of the business called the husband to find out why he had pressed the panic button.
The robbers forced the husband to tell the owner that everything was in order, before assaulting him again.
The robbers took bags of clothing, a TV, DVD players, a steam washer, diesel pump and R1 200 in cash before fleeing the same way they entered the premises.
The police later discovered the robbers used stepladders to climb over the palisade fence surrounding the property.

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