George van Maanen to set off on epic ride to raise funds for Victor Ling

The ride will be as mental as it is physical. Van Maanen said pain is temporary and thinking about Ling's situation will pull him through.

Lifelong cyclist George van Maanen will cycle across South Africa and into Lesotho in a bid to raise funds for his friend, Victor Ling.

Ling was injured in a motorbike accident in September while on his way to work. Since then, Ling has been in rehab trying to recover from his injuries.

The cost of the rehabilitation is enormous and has put a strain on his family’s finances. Van Maanen, who is a friend and former colleague of Ling’s, would like to help the family.

He will cycle to KwaZulu-Natal and around Lesotho and will leave on Wednesday if the weather allows.

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“My aim is to do a 1 000km-plus and to get sponsored R1 a kilometre. My wife, Ansa, and the Ride for Victory team will do the marketing and the admin. Every cent will help,” said van Maanen.

Firstly, van Maanen will set off to KwaZulu-Natal to visit his stepdaughter and see if his gear is up to the challenge before heading to Lesotho.

He will be riding solo on his mountain bike (MTB) and will be cycling on dirt roads most of the time, but anybody is welcome to join him.

This is not the first time van Maanen has raised funds in this way. In 2017, he did the Munga for Potters Haven and cycled over 1 000km.

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The Munga is a MTB race from Bloemfontein to Wellington in the Cape with a total distance of 1070km. The ride will be as mental as it is physical. Van Maanen said pain is temporary and thinking about Ling’s situation will pull him through.

“I did a race earlier this year that started in extreme heat and ended in rain and ice-cold wind and mist. I was really out of my comfort zone but to give up is not in my vocabulary.

“I have given up once in a race – the Munga when I had saddle sores in Sutherland. The next year I was back and finished with no problems. Victory is a pain killer,” said van Maanen.

The ride will be at his own cost and van Maanen said it is a privilege to ride and give back to people in need.
He will be posting his progress on Strava daily. Those who wish to follow him can search for George van Maanen on Strava.

The idea is for people to ‘sponsor’ him and raise funds for Ling for every kilometre van Maanen completes. To donate directly to Ling and sponsor van Maanen, contact Ansa on 083 789 4040.

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