Would-be robbers flee empty-handed

The guards heard the engine of the vehicle running, but the vehicle's wheels were locked and the would-be robbers were unable to drive it.

Robbers were forced to flee empty-handed after they failed to steal a construction vehicle from an Endicott construction site last Sunday evening.
Springs SAPS spokesperson Capt Johannes Ramphora said a security guard on site told police he was in the guardroom with his colleague when they heard a strange noise at approximately 9.30pm.
The guard went to investigate and while he was standing next to the office, he saw two men, one of whom was armed with a gun.
Another man who had been hiding under a nearby truck grabbed the guard’s legs.
The men took the guard’s shoelaces from his boots and tied his hands behind his back.
Once they had him under control, the men asked the guard the whereabouts of his colleague.

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After finding out he was in the guardroom, the men went to fetch the colleague and also tied him up.
The men informed the guards they were looking for construction vehicle wheels.
Two of the men then went to the construction vehicle, while the third man remained behind to keep a watch over the guards.
The guards told the police they overheard one of the men talking to someone on the phone telling the person to bring tools to remove the wheels.
After that conversation, the man told his accomplices the person with the tools was too far away. It was then suggested they take the construction vehicle.

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The guards heard the engine of the vehicle running, but the vehicle’s wheels were locked and the would-be robbers were unable to drive it.
Giving up, the men demanded the guards hand over the gate keys.
They fled empty-handed after locking the guards in a bathroom.
No injuries were reported during the incident and no shots were fired.

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