Urgent action needed to tackle hyacinth problem

"Soon our dams will be lifeless, sterile, useless patches of water unless action is taken."

The state of Presidents Dam has residents worried about the future of this natural resource.
Bob Gillies writes:
It seems like with most issues, Ekurhuleni does not see the urgent importance of addressing the hyacinth problem in our dams.
We have the ideal conditions for it to spread and it will, doubling it’s coverage every six to 10 days.

Also read: Hyacinths continue to be problem

It is a problem in many warm countries as it covers water, depriving fish and other aquatic life of oxygen and sunlight.
It provides a perfect environment for mosquitos, snails and other pests to breed.
It also absorbs toxins from the water and most times is not even suitable to feed cattle as it has a high percentage of air in the stems and this causes bloating and diarrhoea.

Also read: Hyacinths on Presidents Dam, a lost cause

Has anyone researched the possibility of it being suitable for biofuel?
If so it would be the ideal crop as it is self-sowing, does not need fertiliser, watering or weeding.
Ekurhuleni would be well advised to set up a serious-minded small task team to learn about this dangerous plant and start implementing daily and ongoing removal of it until it is under control.
Soon our dams will be lifeless, sterile, useless patches of water unless action is taken.

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