Bail application for bogus doctor postponed

At her last bail hearing on November 9, du Plessis denied the accused’s bail application on the grounds that she had previous convictions against her and the likelihood of her repeating similar offences was high.

The bail hearing for the bogus doctor accused of contravening Section 40 of the Health Professions Act 56 of 1974 was postponed to March 3.
She was due to appear in the Springs Magistrate’s Court on January 14, however, Magistrate Jaco du Plessis explained that due to the level three lockdown, the Female Centre Johannesburg Prison was not transporting suspects to court.

Also read: Bogus doctor denied bail

The accused spent the festive season behind bars and last appeared in court on December 10, where her case was postponed to today since the state was still busy with the investigation and was missing statements from witnesses.
At the time of her arrest on October 29, the woman was accused of pretending to be a cardiologist.
She had offices in two different locations in Springs and conducted home visits.
The woman first appeared in court the following day and was granted R4 000 bail.
After failing to show for her next court appearance on November 4, a warrant of arrest was issued, and the accused handed herself in on November 5.

Also read: UPDATE: Bogus doctor to remain in police custody

At her last bail hearing on November 9, du Plessis denied the accused’s bail application on the grounds that she had previous convictions against her and the likelihood of her repeating similar offences was high.
Additionally, the fact that the accused was from Cape Town and had only stayed at her listed addresses in Springs for a few months, or days, counted against her.

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