No-fuss peppermint tart

But what is a holiday lunch without something sweet at the end?

I am not big on desserts.
The less the fuss the better for me.
But what is a holiday lunch without something sweet at the end?
So my ‘go-to’ is peppermint tart, in a wine glass.
It looks and tastes great.
380g tin caramel condensed milk
500ml cream
35g Peppermint Crisp or Aero Peppermint
1 packet of thin coconut biscuits (Tennis Biscuits are best, Arnotts Nice or any fragile biscuit)

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Whip cream till thick.
Add caramel and mix well till combined.
Crush biscuits separately, leaving some coarse and others fine.
In a suitable glass dish place a layer of biscuits – don’t worry if there are small spaces in-between.
Spoon a little bit of the caramel mixture over the biscuits to cover completely
Grate a piece of the chocolate over caramel mixture.
Repeat with layering biscuits, caramel and grated chocolate until finished, ending with a caramel and chocolate layer.
Place in fridge to set for a few hours or overnight if you can.

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