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Getting to know Susan van Wyk

Susan van Wyk is dedicated to the church

Susan van Wyk from the Jesus is Light Church in Eastvale is dedicated to helping the needy through the church’s monthly feeding scheme.

How long have you been a resident of Springs?
I moved here in 1968 with my late husband, Hennie van Wyk, when he got a job at Modderbee Correctional Services.
How long have you been a member of the church?
I have been here since the day it was built in 1980. I love the church very much.

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When did the feeding scheme begin?
The feeding scheme started in 2004, so we have been working at it for nearly 17 years.
In that time, we have fed a lot of families from all over Springs and I am very proud of my team.
We are a small group of people, but we have made all of this possible by working together.
How have people reacted to the feeding scheme?
They are always so grateful, and that makes us feel good.
We try and make a difference in people’s lives and it is always a good feeling knowing you are able to reach out.
What other initiatives are you involved in at the church?
I’m a member of the leadership committee and right now we are focusing our attention on senior citizens and helping them cope with lockdown.

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Is there a special message you give to people when they receive their food parcels?
Yes, definitively. I always quote Matthew 6:33 from the Bible: “But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.” I want them to know their lives can get better and they are not alone.
What hobbies do you have outside of the church?
My friends and I regularly partake in the parkrun and try and keep fit.
I also love working in my garden, knitting and doing crossword puzzles.
My main focus, however, will always be the church and the feeding scheme.

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