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Parts of Springs continues to be plagued by electricity problems

Residents frustrated by lack of communication from municipality about power outages

Large parts of Springs were hit with a power outage from last Saturday afternoon until Wednesday morning.
The Springs CBD, Lodeyko, Payneville, Bakerton, Struisbult and Daggafontein were just some of the areas left in the dark.
Other parts of Springs have continued to experience intermittent power cuts since Wednesday that were not related to load-shedding.
Reasons for the outage ranged from cable theft to a faulty breaker.
Old age homes in the CBD were left without power and businesses and organisations stepped in to help.
AfriForum made the residents of Markville breakfast on Sunday morning, while the Holiday Inn Roadhouse donated pizzas for the residents of Molendam.

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Most infuriating for residents is that when they called City of Ekurhuleni to report the outage they were either told the technicians are on site fixing the problem, or that technicians would be dispatched.
When it became apparent nobody had been sent out, residents became angry and felt they were being lied to.
Additionally, the lack of communication regarding the outages from the municipality also infuriated residents.
Many contacted the Advertiser to express their frustration.
Ziyaad Hassen, from Bakerton wrote: “After 48 hours without electricity, are these the alarm bells of a South Africa to come, a failing government’s foundation, it’s failing municipality?
“We as South Africans are already drowning in a sea of corruption, but the rumours and indications of sabotage by malicious technicians, who fraudulently abused overtime perks could be the last straw to break our proverbial backs.

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“The repercussions of technicians not timeously attending to the power outage has only exasperated the woes of consumers and local businesses in the area.
“Households are discarding thousand of rands of month-end perishables, while businesses tally the cost in loss of month-end sales, as well as perishable stock.
“Residents of Bakerton are demanding more then just financial compensation for their losses as this comes off the back of months of continuous power outages and inexplicably high service bills.
“The ANC-led municipality like the corrupt government it serves, has raided and looted in every avenue, and have now turned to ordinary citizens, squeezing blood from stone whilst forging ahead to ensure it destroys every inch of workable, inherited infrastructure along with its economy and law abiding citizenship.
“Will they only be pleased to rule over anarchy and chaos? Will they, the ANC, want for all residents to riot, loot and burn? Turning to ash the very tools that benefit our daily lives as a means of accelerating the total destruction of our beautiful country.

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“As a patriot of this country we can no longer sit idly by, while years of hard work and painstaking efforts gets beaten to pulp by the fists of inept, greedy and corrupt officials.
“We demand a stern dialogue with our municipality heads of departments and mayor to forge a way forward that ensures a better run, better managed city. “We demand our voices be heard in regards to exorbitant service bills which supports the corrupt side hustles that the municipality technicians peddle.
“We demand protection for our infrastructure as much as we demand protection of ours and our families’ lives. City of Ekhuruleni heed our call.”
Similarly, Harry Hechter of Dal Fouche, is also tired of the poor service delivery from the municipality.
He wrote: “Ever since yesterday (September 1) Dal Fouche is experiencing blackouts again.
“It started yesterday at 11.45am when the power went out in Dal Fouche apparently due to load reduction, but according to the metro call centre it was due to a cable fault and the power only came back on at 7.15pm (eight hours later).

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“One doesn’t know who to believe anymore. Thr morning of September 2, the power went out again at 8.40am. I am sure that all the residents of Dal Fouche are just as frustrated as I am seeing that this is a thing that is happening regularly since February 2020 when the JVA substation burnt down the first time.
“I think it is time that action is taken and that metro does something about this. I really don’t think it is worth it to stay in Dal Fouche anymore and I believe that more residents will agree and pack up.
“I hope the metro will supply some answers as to what the plan of action is to this regular power problem we are experiencing.”
Comment requested from the City of Ekurhuleni will be published once it has been received.

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