Don’t let South Africa run out of safe blood

The SANBS needs to collect 4 000 units of blood a day to meet the daily demand for blood.

Following a successful run during stages five and four of the national lockdown, the South African National Blood Service (SANBS) has started to see a decline in their blood stocks.

The SANBS is therefore appealing to all blood donors to continue to donate blood to increase the current blood stock level.

With very little blood available, this will have a severe impact on the patients who rely on life-saving blood transfusions.

“Whenever our blood stocks reach below two-days, it places the lives of patients at risk,” said Silungile Mlambo, SANBS chief marketing officer.

Also read:

SANBS asks for your donation

“The lives of a haemorrhaging mother, newborn babies, accident victims, cancer-fighting patients and thousands of other patients in need of a blood transfusion.”

“This is an urgent call to all who are eligible, willing and able to donate blood to give the gift, as you have consistently done in the months that have passed,” Mlambo pleaded.

A blood donation gives patients a second chance with their loved ones. Another Christmas to remember, another summer holiday at the beach.

Everyone is encouraged to visit their nearest blood donor centre or mobile blood drive.

It’s more than just one unit of blood. It is a move that can save up to three lives.

Thirty minutes, four four times a year, is all it takes to make a monumental impact on the lives of others.

Also read:

SANBS needs your blood to save a life

To become a blood donor, you must:
• Be between the ages of 16 and 75 years
• Weigh 50kg or more
• Be in good health
• Lead a healthy lifestyle
• Consider your blood safe for transfusion to a patient
• Commit to donating blood regularly
To find out more about where you can donate blood, visit or call 0800 11 90 31.
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