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Tlakula High School kitchen to be refurbished in the fight against the spread of Covid-19

“We’ve always expressed our support for the reopening of the school in order to save the academic year.”

ANC Ekurhuleni Chief Whip Clr Jongizizwe Dlabathi is pleased with the level of preparedness of Tlakula High School after reopening.

Dlabathi visited the school on Thursday to observe whether re-opening measures are in place, to assist with sanitation and hygiene aspects and to identify areas that may require strengthening for the purpose of smooth learning and teaching.

“We’ve always expressed our support for the reopening of the school in order to save the academic year.

In addition, as part of giving our practical support, we visited the school to get a sense whether the school is operating in a conducive environment for both learners and teachers.

“We are comfortable with the report we’ve received from the school and we are equally encouraged by the efforts made by school management and school governing body in ensuring the school is Covid-19 free and adheres to the disaster regulations,” said Dlabathi.

Also read: Good start for schools reopening in Kwatsaduza

The office of the chief whip brought in other stakeholders who committed to assisting with the refurbishment of the school’s kitchen, which is to start soon.

The chief whip’s office adopted the school in 2016 to assist in improving its academic results and offer social and infrastructure support.

There are 15 Grade 12 learners per class.

The classes are marked to unsure social distancing and each class has a sanitiser; everyone entering the school is screened and sanitised.

“The office of the chief whip will continue giving support to the school and to bring other stakeholders who may be able to assist with other necessary essentials that may be required by the school.

“Our commitment to good governance and clean administration is a standing commitment.”

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