Selcourt CPF on food donation drive

While the Selcourt CPF has managed to help over 100 households with food parcels, chairman Eugene Fraser is appealing to the public to donate what they can.

The Selcourt CPF, in conjunction with other CPFs,  has been donating food parcels to residents who have become food insecure since the lockdown started.

The lockdown has meant many cannot make a living and are struggling to put food on the table.

“We put out an appeal for people to donate any non-perishable food they may have.

“Many have donated generously and we can’t thank them enough.

“We’ve been very busy and so far we have managed to donate food to over 100 households around Springs, including in Daggafontein, Selcourt, the CBD and Struisbult,” says Selcourt CPF chairman Eugene Fraser.

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Fraser says the demand is great and appeals for donations of the following:

To get in touch with Fraser, contact him on 082 619 8340 and have your ID number, address and how many people are in the house.


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