Nutrition a key role in fighting Covid-19, says Makhura

The food bank launched on Tuesday, is for the residents of Ekurhuleni and Masina says those who need help will be identified using the existing indigent database.

Gauteng Premier David Makhura alongside Mayor Mzwandile Masina officially launched the Ekurhuleni Food Bank at the Fresh Produce Market on Tuesday morning.

The food bank is a co-operative initiative between government, aid organisations and business.

Speaking at the launch, Makhura says one of the ways in which they were fighting Covid-19 is through addressing the issue of food security.

“Ordinarily in our province, 20 per cent of the population is food insecure which means they do not have access to food for everyday of the week,” says Makhura.

“With the lockdown, people cannot make a meaningful living and are struggling to make ends meet.

“Since the lockdown started, we have provided food to 2 000 households per day, using five distribution points across Gauteng.

“We have helped 72 000 people across the province, giving them enough food for the month,” says Makhura.


Also read: Covid-19: Premier checks in on food banks as province gets ready to provide food relief

Makhura says the number of people they need to help has doubled since the lockdown started.

In Springs, 466 households were helped on the day of the launch.

Makhura warned their existing food supply will only last until next week, with Masina appealing for donations until the end of May.

“People must be able to eat first as we fight this invisible enemy,” says Makhura.

The food bank is for the residents of Ekurhuleni and Masina says those who need help will be identified using the existing indigent database.

Those who are not on the list but need help were urged to contact their ward councillors who would then contact the Department of Social Development.

“Households requiring help will be subject to verification checks before they get help. The role of the ward councillors will be to help us identify families that need help.

“Those who get help will not be based on political affiliation, but on their need. The hungry must be fed,” says Makhura.

Businesses who have donated to the food bank, include Trio Foods, who donated 5 000 meat hampers.

“We need get together as a community to feed people,” says Angelino Periera of Trio Foods.

Appletree Fresh Market together with Maxis Butchery also donated 5 000 bags of mealie meal. PicknPay Strubenvale also donated to the food bank.

Also read: Covid-19: Ekurhuleni testing sites announced

Present at the launch was Riaz Paruk, who is part of a group of privately owned bus operators who wanted to extend a helping hand to communities in areas in which they operate.

Paruk says as a group they have collected 30 000 bags of mealie meal for Gauteng and KwaZulu Natal.

Also contributing to the food bank was the Sandton Islamic Association in partnership with Meal SA who last week Sunday started a mealie meal campaign to raise funds for 100 000 12.5kg bags of meilie meal.

“In collaboration with eight other aid organisations, we have raised R4-million, which was enough to buy over 50 000 bags.

“Today, we will donate 30 000 bags of mealie meal, and tomorrow donate another 50 000 bags in Booysens. We are now aiming to raise R6-million so we can take our campaign countrywide,” says Dr Ismail Mitha from the Sandton Islamic Association.

Makhura and Masina appealed for donations of sanitisers, masks and gloves, especially for the frontline healthcare workers.

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