High grass in Presidents Park could hide criminals and snakes

The high grass also increases the likelihood of snakes lurking about

The grass in Presidents Park has not been trimmed in some time and has grown to proportions that have some residents feeling afraid to visit the park.

Venessa Ede is one such resident and she fears that thieves and potential attackers can use the grass as hiding spots.

The high grass also increases the likelihood of snakes lurking about, says Ede.

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The grass in the park has not been cut, except for the path that is used for the parkrun every Saturday.

Ede says: “I come here often with my daughter and to walk my dogs, but now I am too scared that something will happen to us, and it’s a shame because it really is a wonderful park.

“My question is, why do they only cut the parkrun area?”

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High grass makes road unsafe

Ede says she has not seen the metro cutting the grass since the December holidays.

The metro failed to respond to our enquiry at the time of publication.

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