
Truck hijacking in Endicott

Suspects gave the truck back after unloading the corn.

A truck driver from Bronkhorstspruit was hijacked on his way to Vereeniging last Wednesday evening.

Springs police spokesperson Capt Johannes Ramphora says he gave a lift to two suspects along the road near Delmas and when he approached the Endicott intersection, the two passengers asked to get off.

He stopped to let them out, but the suspect at the back grabbed him by his neck and pulled him towards him, while being assisted by his friend.

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They were joined by two more suspects who were standing outside.

They tied his hands with a string and drove off into an open veld and got out of the truck with him.

There the victim noticed a white Frontliner truck approaching, which parked next to his before the suspects offloaded the corn into the Frontliner truck.

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Once done, they walked the victim back to his truck and drove with him back to the crossing whereupon they untied him, took back their string and instructed him to drive away.

They also gave him his cellphone back, but took his petty cash and a small gas stove.

He drove to Heidelberg, where he received assistance from the police.

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