Dept of Tourism tackles crime head-on

Recently, Minister of Tourism Mmamoloko Kubayi-Ngubane, along with the Minister of Police, General Bheki Cele, hosted a media briefing to announce a tourism safety initiative.

Many South Africans choose to travel and enjoy our beautiful country during the December holiday.

But with the high crime rate and road accidents, it is important to be vigilant wherever you go.

Recently, Minister of Tourism Mmamoloko Kubayi-Ngubane, along with the Minister of Police, General Bheki Cele, hosted a media briefing to announce a tourism safety initiative.

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“Since my arrival in the Department of Tourism, the sector has raised great concern about safety affecting tourism, to the extent that our international arrivals to South Africa have dropped,” says Kubayi-Ngubane.

The minister of police and various stakeholders will make a collaborative effort to combat crimes relating to tourism.

“Accordingly, we have crafted a workable tourism safety plan, integrating proactive preventative measures to potential incidents, responsive measures to ensure a quick and effective operational response and, importantly, an aftercare programme that focuses on measures to facilitate and provide victim support after an incident has occurred.

“We can also share that a forum has been established and includes representatives from the various stakeholders in the industry representing airlines, rail operators and accommodation,” she adds.

The plan is funded through the Tourism Business Council South Africa (TBCSA) administered tourism levy.

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The pilot interventions include:

1. Deployment of private security at tourism hot spots, the use of CCTV cameras, and the deployment of drones.

2. Integration and deployment of tourism monitors at private establishments, including the interface of operators to interact with various provincial joint operations centres for early warning, reporting incidents and sharing information on potential risks.

“As a department, we continue to invite the public sector to come partner with us for the good of the country and our economy.

“We are certain that with this plan, our guests and South Africans travelling will also have a pleasant time visiting our various attractions until their safe return home.”

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