Residents happy with paved road

A construction company was then hired to pave the troublesome gravel road.

Residents of Mahonie Avenue in Dal Fouche finally have their road paved.

The gravel road caused many problems, including flooding, in the area whenever it rained.

Residents found it worrying that their road happened to be the only gravel road in the area; every other road is tarred.

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Residents came together to build a brick road early in August, but only had enough for half the road.

A construction company was then hired to pave the troublesome gravel road.

This has proven to be very effective as the road no longer floods when it rains.


Mahonie Avenue before it was paved caused flooding in the area.

However, the road is still too narrow and only allows for one car to pass through at a time, and only one section is properly paved, but residents are happy with the temporary solution nonetheless.

Ward Clr Thulani Simelane says: “We are very happy with this road, but we would ideally like for the road to be tarred.”

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