We are looking for our local hero

Nominate your favourite local hero to have their contribution to uplifting Springs recognised.

Could you be the next Springs Good Citizen?

The Springs Advertiser has partnered with Hope Hill Church and a national insurance provider in an exciting project to find, and highlight, our local heroes with the introduction of the Springs Good Citizen awards under the I Love Springs banner.

Each month Springsites can nominate someone they believe is uplifting their community, to be recognised for this award.

The Springs Good Citizen is someone who, through their actions, is bringing hope to Springs by creating a safer, cleaner and more caring town for all without compensation or reward.

They are driven by a passion to do the right thing through their actions and is an example, to our youth, of good citizenship.

I Love Springs seeks to recognise these amazing people.

All nominees will be highlighted on the Springs Advertiser online portal and on Caxton Radio.

Each month’s winner will receive a R1 000 cash prize and an interview with the Springs Advertiser so that others can be inspired.

The main prize however is showing others how much one person can make a difference in our town.

Send your nominations today.

Nominations for the Good Citizen Award must be posted to @I Love Springs Facebook page before the 25th of each month.

Rules for the nominations:

• You must give the full name (first an surname) of the nominee.

• A detailed description of why this person is being nominated.

• The nominee must be a Springs resident.

• Nominees must show a dedication toward the town by being an example to others.

• The person should not receive compensation for their acts of kindness.

• The nomination should not be biased and a disclosure of any relationship between nominator and nominee must be made in order to maintain transparency.

• You cannot nominate yourself.

All nominations received will be posted as a poll on the I Love Springs page so that the public can vote for the winner.

Voting takes place after the 25th of each month and the winner will be announced in the new month.

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