SPCA holds annual general meeting

The meeting centred mostly around budgetary concerns and how they plan to manage their finances this year.

Springs SPCA held their annual general meeting on Wednesday night.

The meeting centred mostly around budgetary concerns and how they plan to manage their finances this year.

The meeting started with chairperson Alta Gobey thanking members of the public for their kind donations that have helped keep the organisation afloat.

She also thanked all current SPCA members for their hard work and introduced two new members – Dominique Uys and Christina Dimingus, who heads up the volunteer programme every Saturday.

“Special thanks goes to Clinton Uys for helping us at a difficult time when we were without a manager.

“I cannot explain how much he has achieved during these two months,” says Gobey.

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Gobey stated that the SPCA has been struggling with finances during this difficult economic climate.

“I thank each and every one of you in assisting us to reach our goals.

“The SPCA regional fund-raising has come to a halt about two years ago, not doing any events for the nine societies simply due to the fact that the societies did not come to the party and wanted money, but did not want to put any effort into assisting the functions.”

The City of Ekurhuleni granted R2.8-million in May this year, but the municipality cut the grant with R500 000.

Gobey added: “Our aim for this year is to get funds for projects.

“We chose a care ward to be built on our premises so that sick animals can be isolated and get well before they are adopted.”

Gobey added that their profits have decreased and running costs have increased due to salaries and vehicle expenses.

Also read: Come and adopt at the Springs SPCA

She says the SPCA had a surplus in the previous two years, but now find themselves with a deficit of R360 000 due to lack of bequests.

Clinton Uys says that they need to look at why big businesses aren’t donating and where they can do better to drop costs.

“We now have people working here, new blood, people who think a bit differently and we will get better.”

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