
Mpact Recycling announces joint partnership with Butterfly® products for the 2019 school’s competition

Mpact Recycling communications manager Donna-Mari Noble says the competition, which runs from February to September every year, encourages schools to collect as much recyclable paper and packaging as possible.

Building on the success of its schools’ recycling competition in 2018, Mpact Recycling recently announced its 2019 schools’ recycling competition.

This year they’ve made it a little more exciting.

Entering a partnership with Butterfly®, Mpact is offering nursery schools, primary schools and high schools in Gauteng the opportunity to win prizes to the value of R120 000, sponsored by Mpact Recycling and stationery to the value of R120 000, sponsored by Butterfly®.

Mpact Recycling communications manager Donna-Mari Noble says the competition, which runs from February to September every year, encourages schools to collect as much recyclable paper and packaging as possible.

“The schools are paid per ton collected, which they can then use to fund various school initiatives such as creating vegetable gardens, painting classrooms or buying books,” she says.


Also read: Household materials you can re-purpose or recycle

Mpact Recycling congratulates all the schools that took part in the recycling programme across South Africa in 2018.

“We would like to see more schools join the programme.

“To those who are already part of the programme, please continue to grow your tonnages and help make South Africa a cleaner and healthier place to live,” concludes Noble.

Paper banks

There are a number of paper banks at schools in Springs that need your support, whether you have a child at one of them or not:

• Dr WK du Plessis School

• Laerskool Morester

• Laerskool Jan van Riebeeck

• Veritas College – senior and preparatory

• Laerskool Selectionpark

• Selcourt Primary School

• Springs Boys’ High School

• St Catherine’s Nursery School

• Toddlers Corner Educare Centre

• Protea School

• Klein Duimpie Kleuterskool

• Strubenvale Primary School

Paper banks can also be found at these establishments:

• NG Kerk Springs Noord

• Rus ’n Bietjie Tuiste

• Kwasa Centre

• Gereformeerde Kerk Springs-Oos

• Trinity Methodist Church Strubenvale

Paper that can be recycled:

• any form of paper

• office and shredded paper

• envelopes

• newspapers

• magazines and brochures (including glossy varieties)

• cardboard boxes (flattened)

• toilet rolls and paper towel cores

• old telephone directories and books

• paper gift wrap

• liquid packaging – milk, juice and custard cartons (flattened)

Paper that can’t be recycled:

• polystyrene cups and plates

• greasy paper cups and plates

• yoghurt cartons

• sweet/chip wrappers

• blueprint paper

• cigarette ends

• carbon paper

• tissues and paper towels

• Post-it notes

• waxed carton

For more information about getting involved in the school’s programme, visit

* Information supplied by Noble.

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