Child welfare hosts award ceremony

The Springs and KwaThema Child Welfare Society held a certificate ceremony

The Springs and KwaThema Child Welfare Society held a certificate ceremony on March 20.

According to the society’s Sanet van Moerkerken, 47 certificates were handed to boys and girls who attended various girl child groups and life skills groups in 2018 and the first three months of this year.

“We had a former young woman who attended the girl child group in 2013 who gave testimony regarding what the group meant for her.

“Her name is Thuli Mhlophe and she is now 25.

“She stated she was a girl with low self-esteem and just an ordinary girl with no confidence,” says van Moerkerken.


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Mhlophe told the group that her life changed when she attended the group which taught her a lot about life.

The group increased her self-esteem and she gained a lot of self-confidence.

“She learned that your background does not determine who you are or what you want to become. It actually does not determine your future,” says van Moerkerken.

Mhlophe has become a detective with SAPS and is proud of having been through the girl child programmes presented by Springs and KwaThema Child Welfare Society which are presented when money is available through the National Lottery Distribution Fund.

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