Residents wants humps at dangerous intersection.

“Right now, there are no humps or traffic lights to curb the speeding,” says van Rhyn.

Residents in Geduld fear there is an accident waiting to happen at the dangerous intersection between First Avenue and 5th Street.

Leon van Rhyn says motorists do not stop at the intersection despite there being a stop sign.

“Its buses, taxis, cars and trucks at all hours of the day.

“I worry one day that one of these trucks will run straight into my house given the speed at which they are travelling.

“Its a tragedy waiting to happen,” says van Rhyn.


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Van Rhyn also says it would be helpful if a weight restriction was placed on the road with trucks bigger than three tons not allowed.

“We are requesting that the metro put in a set of humps on this road as it will slow down the vehicles.

“Right now, there are no humps or traffic lights to curb the speeding,” says van Rhyn.

Shadow councillor Lorna Beharie says she will be in touch with the metro and EMPD about the possibility of putting in humps.

The metro failed to respond in time for publication.

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