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Why not celebrate the ordinary woman?

For once, just sit back and think about the poor and the destitute.

Jennifer Meyer of Wright Park writes,

I am a senior citizen and I would love to know what is the meaning of Women’s Month, ie August?

Is it just for the celebrities or the woman that works in the kitchens, or as they are called, ‘Makitchen’.

Why don’t these women get recognition?

The ordinary woman, the woman selling on the street corner, the mother, the grandmother, the woman that makes sure her child goes to school to get an education and gets his or her matric.

For once, just sit back and think about the poor and the destitute.

Don’t just remember us for our vote.

Remember we are also taxpayers and we contribute to the economy of South Africa.

But there is no recognition anymore. If you don’t work any more, you are the forgotten citizen.

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