
Business on Third Street robbed, cellphones taken

“It is not yet clear how much money or cellphones they got away with,” says Springs police spokesperson Captain Johannes Ramphora.

Pep store in Third Street was robbed on Friday afternoon.
Four suspects walked into the store just after 1pm and instructed the staff to keep quiet after brandishing a firearm at them.
They then proceeded to lock the staff in an office while they packed bags full of money and cellphones and calmly walked out,says Springs police spokesperson Captain Johannes Ramphora.

Also read: Robbers leave behind half of loot during business robbery in New Era

“The suspects were interrupted by a police van that was driving as they tried to place the bag into a car that was in front of the shop waiting for them.
“They then fled on foot in different directions.
“It is not yet clear how much money or how many cellphones they got away with,”
“There were no injuries, but the staff were shaken by what happened,” says Ramphora.

Also read: Suspects only take cellphones at clothing store

The store was closed to the public as police investigated the incident.

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