WATCH: Members of Springs police rescue girl on Blesbokspruit

The three-year-old child was stranded on a small island.

The Springs Visible Policing Unit were involved in a dramatic rescue on the Blesbokspruit after a three-year-old child was stranded on an island.

A security guard raised the alarm after spotting the child while patrolling the area.

Constable Trevor Nkuna, Constable Samuel Statane, Sergeant Solomon Mtsweni and Sergeant Andries Thobejane all jumped into action when they got the call.

When the members arrived on the scene, they called emergency services but quickly realised they could not wait for them to arrive as the water level was quite high and they feared for the safety of the child.

Nkuna then jumped into the water and rescued the child who was then taken to hospital for a check-up.

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Upon further investigation, it was discovered the mother of the child had left her with her aunt who last saw her playing with her friends.

It was unclear how the child got into the dam as it is approximately eight kilometres from home.

The mother and child were safely reunited.

Springs police spokesperson Captain Johannes Ramphora says, “We’re very proud of our members.

“They took initiative and had they not done that, we would be talking about the death of a child.”

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