I love Springs organisation hands out blankets and jackets to homeless people

“Our vision will always be to bring hope to the people of Springs,” says Grieve.

The I Love Springs organisation, in partnership with a local church and insurance company, distributed 200 blankets to homeless people in the Springs CBD on Tuesday night.

This was the second annual event and members of the community came out in their numbers to help the organisation give out blankets, jackets and food.

Also read: I Love Springs launches at carols by candlelight evening

Organisers Michelle van Niekerk and Sarah-Jane Grieve say they changed the format of the distribution slightly from last year.

“We wanted more face to face interaction and to connect with people as last year we didn’t have that connection driving around town.

“This event was done to help the homeless people meet their needs, but as an organisation, our vision is to bring hope to the people of Springs in every sphere.

“We don’t only do charity outreach, that is just one arm of what we do.

“We had the Christmas carols in December and we will have a hot chocolate and coffee festival in future,” says van Niekerk.

Also read: Casseldale CPSF go out of their way to help the homeless

The organisation hopes to grow in future and get more corporates and people involved so events like this can happen more frequently.

Those who wish to get in touch with the organisation can do it through their Facebook page: I Love Springs, or call Barrett Grieve on 082 567 6599.

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