Modderbee Correctional Facility responds to allegations of misconduct by employees

Modderbee Correctional Facility refutes allegations of maladministration and misconduct by staff

Modderbee Correctional Facility says allegations of corruption and maladministration at the facility made by a former employee are completely false.

As reported by The Citizen newspaper, on June 6, the former employee alleged there was corruption with the construction of the Wall of Remembrance and shooting range.

The former employee further alleges that a female staff member was caught watching pornography with the inmates.

Although the allegations were initially made in 2014, the matter has come to light after the South African Federation of Trade Unions paid for the dismissed employee’s legal representation in the Labour Court claiming unfair dismissal earlier this year.

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Mocheta Monama, the Gauteng region spokesperson for Department of Correctional Services, says: “the Department of Correctional Services (Gauteng Region) has noted with serious concern corruption allegations made by a former employee at Modderbee Correctional Facility.

“A formal investigation was conducted in 2014 by the Departmental Investigative Unit (DIU).

“The DIU is a special unit which is established to investigate theft, fraud, corruption and maladministration by all correctional officials including management.”

Monama notes the investigation report entails, in total, nine allegations of maladministration brought against the Area Commissioner of the Correctional Facility at the time and that the area commissioner was exonerated on all allegations.

“According to the report, relevant tender documents were retrieved from the procurement section and an inspection was done on the renovations.

“The investigation found that all procurement processes were followed and everything was above board.”

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In relation to the matter of the female official who was allegedly found viewing porn material with offenders, she was dismissed and later filed an appeal, which she won.

“She has since been reinstated and the investigation report found her reinstatement lawful and also above board.”

Monama goes on to say the former employee, who made these allegations, was dismissed for misconduct, use of improper language in the workplace (swearing at fellow officials) and being unruly, not for blowing the whistle on senior officials as he alleges.

The department also has formal procedures and various channels for whistle-blowing.

There are also anti-corruption hotlines outside the department which could have been used to raise these concerns, if they were valid and the department was not helping.

Monama says “anyone who feels they have any information about corrupt activities in the department is welcome and encouraged to come forth and the department will duly investigate.

“Every correctional official in the service of the department is regulated by the provisions of the Labour Relations Act, the Public Service Act and the Code of Conduct.

“All who operate or behave outside the provisions of the department will face the full might of the law.”

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