Probus Club tours The Johannesburg Holocaust and Genocide Centre

Members explored their own prejudices.

Members of The Probus Club of Springs enjoyed one of their many interesting outings at The Johannesburg Holocaust and Genocide Centre in Forest Town.

A most informative talk was given prior to the tour which defined the words “holocaust” and “genocide.”

Also read: Probus Club visits SA Airways museum

“The Holocaust was the mass murder of some sixmillion European Jews, as well as members of some other persecuted groups such as gypsies, homosexuals, Freemasons and Jehovah’s Witnesses, by the German Nazi regime during the Second World War,” says Probus president Deidre Woest.

To Adolf Hitler, the Jews were an inferior race and a threat to German racial purity and he set in motion his “final solution” which is now known as the Holocaust.

Also read: New president for Probus Club

After the Holocaust, the UN created a new term – “genocide” – and defined it as an action to destroy a national, ethnic, racial or religious group.

“After the tour, there was a time of reflection to put aside our own prejudices and learn to accept and live in harmony and peace with our fellow human beings.

“A delicious lunch followed, which brought to an end another memorable Probian outing,” Deidre concludes.

New members are most welcome and must contact Deidre on 082 877 1757.

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