Residents in the CBD frustrated with illegal dumping

“I now have mice in the house as a result of all this rubbish,” says Pitsiladis.

Peter Pitsiladis is frustrated with the people who are dumping their rubbish illegally on the corner of Ninth Street and Sixth Avenue.

“As Trinity Methodist Church Lodeyko we have a programme called ‘what can you do for your community?’

“We decided to clean this area and we took away two bakkie loads of rubbish.

“All of this happened on Saturday but by Sunday afternoon there was rubbish again,” says Pitsiladis.

Pitsiladis thinks people are dumping there late at night using wheelbarrows.

Also read: Illegal dumping on 4th Street causing problems for local company

The concerned resident says the metro cleaned the area before and there is a ‘No Dumping’ sign on the premises but people continue to litter.

“I just feel like people are being spiteful.

“I now have mice in the house as a result of all this rubbish,” says Pitsiladis.

Also read: Dumping rubbish is illegal

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