‘Where are all the EMPD officers?’ – Springs resident

“They promised they would add more officers to patrol the area,” says Victor.

Strubenvale residents Christine Victor and Brenda Karsten were both victims of smash and grab incidents in the CBD recently.

The pair were both stuck in traffic when thieves targeted them and left with their belongings.

Also read: JUST IN: Police warn of increased smash-and-grabs in Springs – important tips (Video)

“I was on the corner of First Street and Second Avenue when he stuck his hand inside my car and started fighting with me,” says Christine Victor.

“There was a truck that was jacknifed so the police were there, but somehow the person managed to get his arm inside the car and grabbed my phone.

“Last week Friday, it was my sister-in-law who was targeted and, worryingly, she had a baby in the car with her,” says Brenda Karsten.

Both victims noticed that the incidents happened during peak afternoon traffic and the thieves appeared to target female motorists.

Also read: Warning: Smash-and-grab high risk in Springs CBD – Springs woman tells her story

The Strubenvale residents claim this is because the thieves know they will not run after them.

Karsten, who was again targeted a week later, says during her incident it also appeared that the thieves were working in pairs.

“There was one guy who was standing by the robots and he screamed ‘open car’,” she says adding when the alleged thief came closer to her car he saw the stick she had with her and ran away.

Throughout their ordeals, the pair allege the EMPD were nowhere to be found.

“Last year they said there were going to be increased patrols around hotspots, but there are no officers there.

“Last week alone, six women were victims of smash and grabs in the CBD,” claims Karsten.

The EMPD failed to respond in time for publication.


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