Keep your skin healthy to ensure you glow

According to Dr. Tony Antoniades, a Springs general practitioner (GP) with special interest in and training in Aesthetic Medicine, healthy skin GLOWS, giving us confidence.

A great complexion offers us “that happy feeling and boosts our energy levels.

“Our skin indicates our emotional health and well-being from the ‘outside in’,.” she says.

Skin quality is linked to inner vitality and a good lifestyle.

Enough quality sleep, good eating habits and sufficient excercise, are all key factors in helping to keep this amazing organ of our body looking and feeling its optimum best.

Negative external factors, including pollution, harsh weather conditions, air conditioning and harmful sunrays, can be extremely detrimental.

Antoniades adds: “Physiological factors, including the natural ageing process and/or genetics, do contribute to the formation of wrinkles, elasticity loss or roughness of the skin.”

Healthcare Professionals base a “good skin” on three things:

• Texture,

• Elasticity, and

• Colour which speaks to if there is any pigmentation or redness.

Minimally invasive injectables are available to improve the skin’s hydration and elasticity, as well as the softening and/or elimination of fine lines and wrinkles.

Hyaluronic Acid (HA) is a naturally produced substance found in the skin, and when this is lost from the skin’s fat pads, sagging and wrinkles develop.

Antoniades says HA filler injectables are safe to inject into the skin to plump up the sagging skin and make it look new and fresh again.

“HA fillers benefit the skin in various ways, including the stimulation of collagen production which leads to the overall improvement of the quality of the skin.

“These injectable fillers last between 12 and 18 months depending on the individual.”

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