Faulty street lights in East Geduld leave residents in the dark

Darkened streets have residents fearing for their safety at night in East Geduld.

Three sets of faulty street lights in East Geduld have left residents fearing for their safety.

“Last Tuesday night there was a hijacking in Welgedacht and the police gave chase”, says local resident Charlotte Ross.

“The suspects abandoned the car in East Geduld and they started running, jumping over people’s fences and into the yards in Jackson Street.”

Also read: Faulty street lights remain on all day

Residents in Gericke, Jackson and Mey streets allege the faulty street lights made it easier for the suspects to flee.

“Mey Street is in a horseshoe shape and it’s completely dark,” says Ross.

“In Gericke Street, only one in four street lights is working.

“In Jackson Street, there are no lights working at all.

“You cannot see anything and even the police were struggling and had to use a helicopter to locate the suspects.

“I don’t know what the problem is, but it could be that the day/night switch is not working.

“It was terrifying for us,” says Ross.

“We have elderly neighbours and it’s not safe for them either because the suspects were armed.

“We have reported the faulty street lights to the municipality several times and they have not helped us.

“They keep giving us reference numbers and nothing happens.

“In Mey Street, there is also an open electricity box that is dangerous for the children around here,” Ross adds.

According to Captain Johannes Ramphora, the Springs police spokesperson, three of the hijacking suspects were caught, one got away and a single firearm was recovered.

The Ekurhuleni metro failed to respond in time for publication.

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