Laerskool Selection Park donates 10 000 litres of water to drought-hit Western Cape residents.

Laerskool Selection Park donates 10 000 litres of water.

Laerskool Selection Park assisted DSC Zendon CC in donating approximately 10 000 litres of water to elderly residents in the Western Cape.

DSC Zendon CC Limited, together with Talita Cumi business in East London and the local community of Selection Park, collected the water over two days.

Just some of the water donated by the local community.

Chairman of the school governing body of Laerskool Selection Park and owner of DSC Zendon CC, Lourens Pieters says, “We wanted to do something because we had transport to travel down to the Western Cape.

Also read: Bakerton donates 6 500 litres of water to the Western Cape

“Talita Cumi business provided some of the containers for the water and a DSC Zendon CC employee, Yvette Senekal, put an appeal on Facebook for donations, on January 26.

“We collected the water over the weekend and by January 28, we had everything and sent it to the Western Cape.

“We also had help from the school children of Laerskool Selection Park.

“The principal of Laerskool Selection Park, Andre du Plessis, was fantastic as he immediately made a period available for children to write notes and cards of sympathy and well-wishes for the elderly residents to let them know they were thinking of them.

“Once the truck was in Cape Town, we had help from the Western Cape Action Forum, CapeXiT, and the Muizenberg first Scouts who helped us offload and distribute the water.

“We managed to send about 10 000 litres of water, which amounts to 200 days of water per person using the current water usage recommendations.

“This is going to be an ongoing project and every time a truck goes to Cape Town we will send water,” says Pieters.

Also read: Rotary Club of Springs collects 2 000 litres of water for drought-stricken Western Cape

Those who would like to donate water can drop it off at Laerskool Selection Park.

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