
Man hijacked and robbed in front of primary school in Springs

After finishing a parents’s evening at a primary school, a man was hijacked as he unlocked his vehicle.

A man was hijacked on Tuesday evening (January 23) when returning to his vehicle after attending a parents’ evening at Selection Park Primary School.

While unlocking the vehicle, the man was approached by two suspects, one wearing a balaclava and the other holding a firearm.

Also read: Two hijackers take couple’s car in New Era

Capt Johannes Ramphora, spokesperson for the Springs police, says the suspects demanded the car keys from the man.

“When he handed the keys over, they also demanded his wallet and his cellphone,” says Ramphora.

There was allegedly R500 in the man’s wallet, while his cellphone is valued at R16 000.

Also read: Woman hijacked in Selection Park

The suspects then drove off with his vehicle, which is valued at R140 000.

Ramphora says no shots were fired and no injuries were reported.

Springs police are investigating the case.

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