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Springs high schools impress in matric exams

Springs' scholars fared extremely well against both the national and Gauteng pass rates.

The National Senior Certificate (NSC) results were released on Friday and the Springs class of 2017 did not disappoint.

Announcing the results last Thursday evening, basic education minister Angie Motshekga says 161 081 distinctions were achieved by the 629 155 full-time matriculants and 173 276 part-time pupils who sat the NSC exams nation-wide.

Also read: DA says the ‘real’ matric pass rate is 37.3%

She says the number of distinctions achieved went up by 1.8 per cent compared to 2016, with KwaZulu-Natal, Gauteng and the Western Cape bagging the most distinctions.

Motshekga says 5 040 distinctions were achieved in accounting, 6 726 in mathematics and 7 861 in physical sciences nationally.

“Once again, I take off my hat to the Class of 2017, and I wish them the best in their future.

“I believe that you will continue to shine wherever you are,” she says.

“In celebrating the Class of 2017, I must also thank the principals, teachers, and parents for the work they continue to do,” Motshekga says.

“What you do at the school level, is what matters the most.

“The nation had put the future of our learners in your hands, and you delivered.

“We applaud you for the great work you continue to do on a daily basis,” she says.

Also read: Springs matrics celebrate results

Gauteng posted a pass rate of 85.1 per cent and Gauteng East, which includes Springs, had an 82.9 per cent pass rate.

Two Springs schools – Springs Muslim School and Springs Girls’ High School stood out with each attaining a 100 per cent pass rate.

Here are Springs’ high school results:

Springs Muslim School

The school boasts a 100 per cent pass rate for the 10th consecutive year.

Out of the 18 matriculants, 17 received bachelor passes.

Principal of the school, Mohammed Asvat, says the overall results are good and he is pleased with the students’ hard work.

“I want to congratulate the students, their parents and the teaching staff on this achievement and for all the hard work they have put in.

“We will keep working hard in the years to come,” he says.

Springs Girls’ High School

The school achieved a 100 per cent pass rate.

Of the 134 learners who sat the NSC exams, the school attained 91 distinctions and 104 received bachelor passes.

Principal Angela Jones comments: “Congratulations to the class of 2017.

“As a public school we do not have the advantage of selecting top learners in Grade Eight, but we as staff put in a great deal of effort for five years to produce well-rounded young women who are well sought after by tertiary institutions.

“A combined effort of the girls and the phenomenal group of well-qualified and motivated teachers has produced these results.”

Springs Secondary School

Upping their pass rate with 18.7 per cent from last year, the school now boasts a 99 per cent pass rate.

Of the 89 learners who wrote exams, the school has 40 distinctions from their 2017 matrics and 45 bachelor passes.

Kishan Bodalina, principal of the school, says he is “most impressed with the numbers”.

“I am extremely happy with the effort of the teachers and learners as well as the department,” he says.

Springs Boys’ High School

The school had 135 learners writing matric in 2017, of whom 60 received bachelor passes.

They had a 96 per cent pass rate and obtained 52 distinctions.

Diane Freeman, school principal, says: “We are happy with these results but there is always room for improvement.

“Our focus is on a quality matric – most of our learners do maths and science – rather than a 100 per cent pass rate in every subject.”

Jameson High School

The school made a drastic, well-earned increase from last year’s 60 per cent pass rate to a whopping 90 per cent.

Out of the 29 matrics, they received two distinctions.

At the time of publishing, the Addie was unable to get comment from the principal of Eureka High School.

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