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Last-minute gift ideas

If you are anything like me, you can probably relate to my last-minute gift dilemmas.

Leaving shopping for Christmas gifts until the last minute is not something I plan, it just happens.

I have always considered myself a true planner at heart, but during the last few years I have been slack, completing my Christmas and birthday gift shopping later and later.

Also read: Online Christmas shopping – Easy and relaxed, but be careful

Often enough I find myself having to stop at the nearest shop on my way to a birthday party to quickly buy a gift, sellotape, a pair of scissors as well as wrapping paper.

It works out to be more expensive, because I do have a collection of gift wrapping paper and bags at my house.

But if you have a tendency to leave your gift purchases to the last minute like I do, fear not, because there are always some great gift options out there for us late bloomers.

I recommend you look at your friends and family members to find out what best suits their personality.

Maybe you have a friend who loves cooking: buy her a recipe book.

What about those party friends who enjoy cooking up gifts for fancy cocktails?

Even recipes for natural skincare, such as recipes for face scrubs.

Another wonderful idea is a framed photo of the family or their favourite pet, or maybe try the canvas printers available in shopping malls, they might come in handy.

A friend of mine painted a curtain and wrote the names of her sister’s pets all over the curtain.

This will work if you remembered to shop prior to Christmas and didn’t leave it to the last minute.

It proudly hangs in the passage of her sister’s house.

Unique and personal gifts always work, but even a beautiful 2018 calendar can do the trick.

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