Security guard sustains minor injury after assault

Springs police are investigating a case of business robbery.

A 24-year-old security guard witnessed a business robbery in Phoenix road, Selection Park last Tuesday.

He was patrolling the property at 1am, when he was allegedly approached by two men.

Read: Man sustains head injury during CBD business robbery

According to Springs police spokesperson Capt Johannes Ramphora one of the men was armed with a firearm.

Both men were wearing balaclavas.

Also read: Robbers wear balaclavas during Modder East house robbery

“The armed man stayed with the guard, while the unarmed man broke into the office at the company,” says Ramphora.

Items to the value of R52 000 were stolen from the property.

Ramphora says the guard was assaulted but only sustained a minor injury to his lips.

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