
Potential buyers hijack vehicle

So-called customers hijacked a vehicle from a CBD car dealership.

A vehicle was hijacked from a second-hand car dealership in Third Street, CBD on Friday.

According to Springs police spokesperson Capt Johannes Ramphora a 38-year-old man was at work at 5.30pm when three suspects arrived.

The suspects posed as customers pretending to be interested in a white VW Citi Golf on display at the entrance of the business.

“The keys of the Golf was in the ignition at the time to enable the man to open the bonnet,” says Ramphora.

One of the suspects pulled out a firearm and pushed the man into the vehicle while the second suspect pointed a firearm at the man.

Also read:Policeman shot during hijacking shoot-out

Ramphora says the third suspect got into the driver’s seat and they drove towards Nigel Road.

When the suspects reached Hills Road in Selection Park they pushed the man out of the vehicle and drove off.

“We are investigating a case of hijacking,” says Ramphora.

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