Vita Nova residents party at the disco

The non-profit organisation Hope and Halos put together a Christmas party for the residents of Vita Nova Centre on Friday evening.

Louise Mawhinney and Nikki Griffiths, founders of Hope and Halos say they nominated a few charities to lend a helping hand to, and Vita Nova was one of the chosen charities.

“The original Christmas party was to be held on December 2 at the Springs Old Boys’ Club where our other charities will be, but because the residents of Vita Nova can’t travel there, we brought the party to them,” says Louise.

Gert van Emmenes from Vita Nova couldn’t contain his excitement as Santa gave him his Christmas present on Friday evening.

“The only thing the residents wanted was to have a disco, and that is exactly what we gave them.”

An insurance firm in Springs sponsored the Christmas party at Vita Nova.

One of the company’s staff members, Siya Ndlovu, posed as Santa Claus and gave every resident a Christmas gift with his or her name written on it.

“Hannes Dempsey, a DJ of note, offers his services to us completely free of charge at every function,” says Louise.

“He absolutely refuses to take money for his service.”

Louise and Nikki say they try their best always to help people in need, but they are dependent on donations and sponsors.

“We are extremely transparent with our financial situation and statements will always be provided on request.

Vita Nova resident Alfie Stideworthy enjoyed Santa Claus’ company at Friday evening’s Christmas party.

“Every donation or sponsorship we receive, goes straight to our charities.

“We are so blessed to have such amazing support from the community of Springs.”

Director of Vita Nova Centre Michelle Immelman says the residents loved the dancing and enjoyed themselves a lot.

“It is awesome that the Springs community is so involved with Vita Nova this year,” she says.

“We are very grateful for the support from the community, and for the ladies from Hope and Halos for giving our residents such a treat.”

Leigh-ann Mawhinney, Jaclyn Posthumus, Louise Mawhinney and Nikki Griffiths from the NPO Hope and Halos gave Vita Nova residents a Christmas party to remember on Friday.
Hannes Dempsey (DJ), Tanya Serro, Scott Griffiths, Leigh-ann Mawhinney, Louise Mawhinney, Jaclyn Posthumus and Nikki Griffiths with Siya Ndlovu as Santa Claus.
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