Choosing the right beard for your face shape

Those entering the Springs Advertiser's Best Beard competition may need help choosing the right shape for their face.

These days, if you’re not a pogonophile yourself, chances are you know one.

While rumours flew around last year that the beard’s time had passed, it seems that it is in fact here to stay when one looks around almost every man-filled room.

Like hairstyles, the beard comes in various shapes and sizes and the one you choose should be decided upon in relation to the shape of your face.

It certainly isn’t a one-size-fits-all scenario and this is your opportunity to really flaunt your follicles in our Best Beard competition.

Turning to http: the Advertiser discovered which beard goes with which face.

So here to help you win our Finest Beard competition, is a quick look at faces and their beards.

The measure of things

Before starting your beard, take a look in the mirror. With tape measure in hand, analyse your face to determine which ‘facial fuzz’ will suit you best.

• Forehead: Measure across your face from the peak of one eyebrow arch to the peak of the opposite arch.

• Cheekbones: Measure across your cheekbones, starting and ending at the pointiest part below the outer corner of each eye.

• Jawline: Measure from the tip of your chin to below your ear at the point at which your jaw angles upwards. Multiply that number by two to get your jawline measurement.

• Face length: Measure from the centre of your hairline to the tip of your chin.

Face shapes

The largest of these four measurements will tell you which beard suits your face shape as listed below.

• Oval: Face length is greater than the width of the cheekbones, and forehead is greater than the jawline.

The angle of the jaw is rounded rather than sharp.

• Rectangle: Face length is the greatest measurement.

Forehead, cheekbones, and jawline are similar in size.

• Triangular: Jawline measures more than cheekbones, which measure larger than forehead.

• Round: Cheekbones and face length have a similar measurement.

They are larger than forehead and jawline, which also have a similar measurement.

The angle of the jaw is soft and much less defined.

• Heart: Forehead measures greater than the cheekbones and jawline.

The chin is pointed.

• Square: All measurements are fairly similar.

The angle of the jaw is sharp rather than rounded.

• Diamond: Face length measures largest.

Then, in descending order: cheekbones, forehead, and smallest is jawline.

The chin is pointed.

So which is the beard for you?

• Oval Face

With an oval face, you can get away with a variety of beard types that other men can’t.

This versatility comes from being the owner of both square and round features, meaning you don’t really need to balance anything out.

All you need to focus on is keeping your beard looking its best.

Opt for a timeless, classic style all other face shapes wish they could foster.

• Rectangular Face

There’s no need for the long face – especially when you consider that a rectangular face shape allows you to throw caution to the wind and see just what your facial follicles can achieve.

You don’t want to exaggerate the shape you already have, so give it some width and, if you can, let the beard grow higher up the cheeks, too.

Doing so will prevent your face looking too elongated.

• Triangular Face

With a triangular face, which is essentially the opposite of a ‘heart’ shape, the aim is to take attention away from a more prominent chin.

The easiest way to do this is with a ‘beardstache’.

Once the preserve of Victorian strongmen, it is now a seriously cool look that’ll draw attention higher up the face.

With this hybrid style, avoid anything too full and thick on the cheeks because it will give the unwanted impression of an even wider jawline.

• Round Face

Cultivating a large, unkempt beard will, in this case, only serve to turn your head into a bowling ball.

To combat this, you need to work the angles.

A goatee, with stubble on the cheeks, will create the impression of a longer and more pronounced chin.

Pensive stroking of this style in meetings comes as standard.

• Heart Face

No man ever wants to be accused of having a weak chin.

Fortunately, for those with a heart-shaped face, there is a way to add ballast with a beard.

Opt for designer stubble on the sides that will afford you the rough-and-ready look without overpowering your natural bone structure.

Meanwhile, leave more length in the chin and moustache to add depth and volume to your jawline.

• Square Face

While a strong, square jaw is something many men would gladly trade their patch-filled beard for, it does have its limitations when choosing to extend a ‘five o’clock shadow’ into something more serious.

You don’t want a beard that is going to over-exaggerate what you already have and turn you into Johnny Bravo.

Lengthening the chin with a goatee-style beard helps soften thick, wide jawbones, while still creating a chiselled look.

This will also focus the eye on other features of the face, giving those bright blues a chance to shine.

• Diamond Face

The diamond face shape is widest at the cheekbones with a narrow forehead and jawline approximately symmetrical in width.

The goal should always be to keep hair on the chin to offset the cheekbones.

Ideally, you want to square off a prominent chin to create the illusion of having a more balanced bone structure.

Going lighter on the moustache, meanwhile, will give further emphasis to your cheeks and jawline.

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