
Teenager alone at home in Edelweiss tied up by suspect

Police investigate purpose of a house robbery where the suspect took nothing.

A suspect tied up a teenager who was alone at home in Blesbok Street, Edelweiss on Tuesday

According to Springs police spokesperson, Capt Johannes Ramphora the 16-year-old girl was busy cooking at 1pm when she saw the suspect standing at the door which was open at the time.

The suspect asked if she was alone and demanded money.

“The teenager tried to press the panic button, but the suspect grabbed her and took the knife she had in her hand away from her,” says Ramphora.

She was pushed to the main bedroom where the suspect tied her hands behind her back with a tie.

Ramphora says the suspect searched the room but took nothing

After the suspect fled the scene on foot, a security guard came to rescue the teenager.

“We are investigating the purpose of the incident,” says Ramphora.

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