Dangerous manhole left unattended

A manhole has been left only partially covered since 2014, despite numerous attempts to get the metro to repair it.

Since 2014 a manhole on the corner of Third Avenue and Fourth Street has been left only partially covered despite numerous reports made to the metro.

Post Office occupational health and safety manager Melusi Nkambule says the manhole has been left unattended ever since the original cover was stolen.

“In 2014, after the cover was stolen, the metro replaced it with a new one, only to find that it didn’t fit the manhole,” says Nkambule.

Nkambule says he recently reported the issue to the metro again as the manhole is turning into a garbage dump.

“Passers-by take advantage of the open manhole and throw in their rubbish. This is starting to be a problem because of the horrible stench that accompanies the rubbish thrown inside there,” says Nkambule.

“In September, a metro worker came to investigate the issue and advised that they would be sending contractors to take correct measurements in order for the cover to fit the manhole properly.”

When following up on the matter, Nkambule was told that the metro was still waiting to appoint contractors who would be able to do repairs.

“They told me they would be sending contractors within 48 hours.

“It has now been almost four weeks and nothing has been done.

“This manhole is very hazardous because we can’t even park outside our office. We have to park on the pavements.”

It seems the workers’ request was in vain. A motorist mistakenly drove into the open hole, almost damaging his car.

A few metres away from the partially covered manhole is another rubbish-filled manhole that has also been reported to the metro.

“This is the second manhole that we have reported to the metro.

“It is now filled with rubbish to the point where we no longer use our delivery gate because of the filth.”

The metro failed to comment at the time of publishing.

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