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Rus ‘n Bietjie shows love to the old

International Day of Older Persons Week aimed to celebrate the old.

Older Persons Week observed from 30 September until 6 October is a key milestone that was designated by the United Nations in 1990 to celebrate older people.

Yearly the United Nations has a theme for the commemoration of International Day of Older Persons which considers the challenges that are faced by older people during the particular year.

This year the theme is “Stepping into the Future: Tapping the Talents, Contributions and Participation of Older Persons in Society.”

The Older Persons Act supplements the constitutional rights as it contains provisions to improve the lives of older South Africans.

Ludwig Zuhlsdorff, manager at Rus ‘n Bietjie Old Age Home says the home has not celebrated anything in particular as yet but they aim to provide a home away from home for the old people.

Babsie Vivier (78) who has been staying at Rus ‘n Bietjie Old Age Home for almost 18 years says being an elder has its challenges however she makes it worth the while.

“Living here has become a part of me because of the years that I’ve spent away from my family,” says Vivier.

“I’ve been diagnosed with a chronic condition which can be difficult at times but because of the support and assistance that I’m receiving from the staff I hardly feel the void from being away from home.”

Seeing her family once to three times a month, Vivier says she keeps herself entertained daily.

“If I’m not in my room knitting scarves and small blankets, I’m attending a church service from other congregations that have visited us.”

Dina Joubert (91) says at her age she remains young at heart.

“I still enjoy the little things that happen around me. Even at my age I still find myself reading, listening to music and knitting.”

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