Suspects takes off with blindfolded woman and loot

Springs police are investigating an armed robbery which took place in Second Street, CBD on Friday.

Police spokesperson Capt Johannes Ramphora says two suspects walked into the salon at 3am and attacked the two women present.

“The two suspects were armed with a firearm and a knife,” he says.

The women were forced to knock on the door of one of the residents in the building and their mother opened the door.

The women’s mother and son-in-law were tied up inside the flat.

Ramphora says the suspects searched the house and found R7 000 inside a wardrobe.

The cash was taken as well as a tablet, two cellphones, two TVs, a microwave oven and bank cards,

One of the women was blindfolded and forced into a vehicle parked outside.

Ramphora says the suspects dropped the victim off at an unknown place and drove off.

“She managed to get help, but cannot identify the vehicle,” says Ramphora.

No injuries were reported.

Police are investigating a case of house robbery.

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