
Unanswered calls at municipal offices

Metro has fax numbers where payment notifications can be sent.

Springs resident Barbara Ellis wanted to fax the proof of payment of her metro account but gave up after several frustrating experiences with the metro phone numbers.

“If you ever want to find out the true meaning of frustration, try phoning the municipality,” she says.

She regularly pays her accounts. She has received her account online for years and has been paying it without any problems.

Last month she didn’t receive an account and this is when her frustration started.

“I tried phoning 10 metro numbers but every number that came up under Ekurhuleni on the internet did not exist,” she says.

Ellis says she had to alter the fax number on the internet which had served to receive notifications of payments for years.

Metro customer services gave her a few numbers to dial.

“None of numbers apparently exist, but to my utter astonishment one of the numbers produced a voice on the other side,” says Ellis.

When she asked for the fax number she was told they don’t have one.

“I protested as I found one on the internet, but the woman told me she had never heard of a fax number,” she says.

Ellis says she was at the end of her tether.

Ellis says she made a copy of the proof of payment and delivered it to the inquiries counter at the municipal offices.

Metro spokesperson Themba Gadebe says the following fax numbers can still be used to notify metro of payments: 086 510 4094, 086 628 8168 or 086 628 8030.

Proof of payments can also be emailed to or

“Residents should contact the call centre on 0860 543 000 and they will assist residents with the correct numbers,” says Gadebe.

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