Elevator repairs delayed

No elevator in sight for Markville housing complex.

The residents of the Markville housing complex will probably have to wait until the end of the year before a new elevator is installed.

This comes after the metro commented on the progress of the new elevator, saying their timelines have shifted.

Markville’s elevator has been broken for almost two years.

Metro spokesperson Themba Gadebe says the timelines have shifted due to late arrivals of tenders from the tender office.

The Bid Specification Committee’s (BSC) item requisition was sent to the metro’s finance department on June 21, to obtain an item number.

The number was needed for a presentation to the BSC for untilisation of the Enterprise Programme Management Office (EPMO) contractors to install the elevator.

Gadebe says the lift item will be presented to the BSC on Thursday (September 7) for consideration.

“Once approved, contractors from EPMO will be utilised to install the elevators,” he says.

Contractors will be sourced on a quotation basis.

Installation of the elevator should take between four to six months.

“It should be noted that the old elevator needs to be removed first before the new one can be installed,” says Gadebe.

The residents feel the metro has failed them and that the process has been slowed down quite substantially.

“The bid specifications were supposed to be ready for the Bid Specification Committee on May 15 already,” says Joey Vorster (65), a resident.

Vorster and her husband At (75) live on the fifth floor of the complex.

She says Gadebe stated in June that it would take one month for the bid to be approved and advertised. Another two months would be needed for evaluation and adjudication.

Residents were hoping to have an elevator by Christmas, but their hopes have been shattered.

“First the specifications were not ready, then we hoped for the progress to be finalised by the end of August,” says Vorster.

Jan Venter (72) says it is exhausting to climb the stairs and carry groceries to the fourth floor.

Walking with crutches doesn’t make the task easier,” he adds.

Due to further delays, the residents will have to climb the stairs for another few months.

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