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No response from metro after four weeks

Residents are sick and tired of being left in the dark.

Geduld residents feel they have been forced into darkness by a faulty street light in Fifth Avenue – a light that was reported four weeks ago but is still not fixed.

“We really feel it is pointless reporting the matter to the metro,” says Werner Liebenberg (23).

He received a four-digit reference number when he reported the light four weeks ago and was told by the operator at the call centre to give the metro between seven and 14 days to respond to the complaint.

“It has been longer than 14 days and the light is still not working,” he says.

The four-digit reference number Liebenberg received was repeated every time he reported the light.

“We, as residents, are frustrated because every time they fix the street light, it only works for a day or two.

“Street lights are supposed to provide security to residential areas – instead, this dark spot poses a danger to the residents,” he says.

They say the branches of the pepper tree directly next to the light are apparently causing the problem.

“The metro needs to prune trees regularly to prevent problems with street lights,” says Liebenberg.

He went on to say the 14 days mentioned by the metro are long gone and no one has come to fix the light.

Liebenberg encourages residents affected by the street light, and others in the area, to phone the municipality and file a complaint.

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