Shopper’s vehicle stolen from Springs Mall

Stranded motorist wants to alert others about the theft.

Springs resident Amanda van der Merwe recently expected her white Mazda Midge to be exactly where she parked it at the Springs Mall.

However, much to her surprise when she returned to where she had parked her vehicle, 30 minutes later, her vehicle was gone.

“The only comment the security guard gave me was “there goes your vehicle”,” she says.

The thought of being a victim of vehicle theft left van der Merwe devastated.

“One always thinks it will never happen to me, but recalling the event, it makes me furious,” she says.

She would like to know what the purpose of the security is.

Van der Merwe says in an effort to cope with the problem she hopes the mall will increase security staff.

“Shoppers should always be vigilant when parking their vehicles,” she says.

According to Anne Lovell, Springs Mall media and marketing liaison, this is the only vehicle that has been stolen and it occurred under unusual circumstances since the mall opened on March 16.

“Footage shows a vehicle, a silver Toyota with a GP registration, drive into the parking and proceeded directly to the parked car.

“The passenger in the arriving car got out and climbed into the parked car without force, then immediately started the car and drove off, followed by the Toyota,” she says.

Lovell claims it took mere seconds and involved no visible force, making it highly unlikely that anyone witnessing the incident, even a trained eye, would suspect that anything was wrong.

SAPS are investigating the incident and the mall is providing its full support.

“We would like to assure our shoppers that Springs Mall has extensive security measures in place throughout, including our parking areas, which are enhanced by our close working relationship with the SAPS, to provide them with a very safe shopping experience,” says Lovell.

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